George’s Weekly Travel Tip – Booking Online

Do you book online?  Do you know that booking online is not always the cheapest option?  When you give us a call to book your travel, not only do we take care of your flights and accommodation but we can also provide you with invaluable information on passports, visas, travel insurance and more – something you don’t get when you fill in an online form.  I’m passionate about the work we do here at Motive Travel and have shared information with you before on the importance of booking with a trusted, accredited agent.

Do You Know Who Sits Behind That Travel Website You’re Booking On?

I’ve spoken of the many, fake travel websites there are out there.  With an accredited travel agent, you’re not just buying travel but you’re also buying peace-of-mind, security, insider knowledge and the personal touch that you just won’t find anywhere else.  Look at it this way. Booking with an accredited travel agent can save a huge amount of time, as they’ll deal with all the tedious paperwork and administration for you. What’s more, you’ll always receive outstanding advice that you wouldn’t if going it alone, and we will help you to plan your trip – even pointing out places that you may never even have thought of visiting.

So before you book online, give some good old-fashioned, un-artificial human intelligence a go and contact us before you sign your credit card details over to that online form!

Cheers for now,


George Michalczyk Travel Tip 16Aug17



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